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Why Was This Website Created

“As a dedicated gamer, I’ve explored many sites that review games, but I have never come across a website that evaluates games based on a structured and logical rating system while also updating scores over time. The purpose of this website is to provide fair and accurate ratings, helping players easily find quality games, give their own ratings, and trust my reviews as I strive to become the best critic for gamers worldwide.”

I have divided the game into 5 main sections:

  • Story
  • Gameplay
  • Music & Sound Design
  • Graphics & Visual
  • Technical Performance & Pricing

Each of these sections is further divided into 4 subcategories.

I have divided the Story section into 4 subcategories:
1- Main Story
2- Side Story
3- Main Character
4- Side Characters

The Gameplay section is also divided into 4 subcategories:
1- Genre-Specific Gameplay Quality and Originality
2- Emotional Impact of Gameplay
3- Animations
4- User Interface

I have divided the Music & Sound Design section into 4 subcategories:
1- Memorable Music in Cutscenes and Important Moments
2- Environmental and Gameplay Music
3- Sound Effects
4- Dialogue Voice Acting

The Graphics & Visual section is divided into 2 subcategories:
1- Graphics Relative to Gameplay
2- Environment Design

I have divided the Technical Performance & Pricing section into 4 subcategories:
1- Bug-Free Experience
2- Future Patches and Support
3- Optimization and FPS
4- Value for Money

Each of these subcategories is further divided into 5 smaller sections to provide a more detailed and precise review.

I have divided the Main Story section into 5 smaller subcategories:
1- Appeal and overall idea of the story
2- Logic and coherence of the narrative
3- Excitement and story climaxes
4- Impactful dialogue
5- Satisfying conclusion and ending

I have divided the Side Stories section into 5 smaller subcategories:
1- Appeal of side stories
2- Variety in side stories
3- Quality of side story dialogues and writing
4- Memorable nature
5- Characterization of side characters (secondary)

I have divided the Main Character section into 5 smaller subcategories:
1- Depth and complexity of character development
2- Alignment of actions and decisions with defined character traits
3- Suitable costume design
4- Voice suitability for the character
5- Player’s empathy with the main character

I have divided the Side Characters section into 5 smaller subcategories:
1- Costume design fitting the character
2- Development of secondary and primary characters

3 – Character voice suitability3 – Character voice suitability
4- Variety in dialogues and interactions
5- Well-crafted and memorable character development

I have divided the Genre-Specific Gameplay Quality and Originality section into 5 smaller subcategories:
1- Replayability
2- Respect for player’s time
3- Level of innovation and creativity in gameplay
4- Challenge appeal and variety
5- Game’s AI

I divided the Emotional Impact of Gameplay section into 5 parts:

  1. Immersion of the player in the game
  2. Balance in game difficulty
  3. Ease of learning mechanics
  4. Rewarding system aligned with player performance
  5. Sense of progression in gameplay

I divided the Animations section into 5 parts:

  1. Overall game details
  2. Facial details
  3. Variety of animations in different scenarios
  4. Synchronization of animations with game physics
  5. Realistic feel in movements and reactions

I divided the User Interface section into 5 parts:

  1. Clear presentation of information
  2. Visually appealing UI design
  3. Adjustable UI for player preferences
  4. Displaying goal progression
  5. Size and richness of the map

I divided the Memorable Music in Cutscenes and Important Moments section into 5 parts:

  1. Music suitability for cutscene scenes and moments
  2. Music’s ability to evoke emotions and impact
  3. Use of silence

I divided the Environmental and Gameplay Music section into 5 parts:

  1. Memorable music for the player
  2. Music synchronization with various moments
  3. Lack of repetition and monotony in music
  4. Music’s ability to convey gameplay and environmental emotions

I divided the Music’s ability to convey the mood and setting section into 5 parts:

  1. Realistic sounds
  2. Variety of sound effects for different scenarios
  3. Depth and technical quality of sounds
  4. Impact of effects on player experience

I divided the Dialogue Voice Acting section into 5 parts:

  1. Quality of character voice acting
  2. Variety in tone and emotional expression in voice acting
  3. Voice alignment with the character
  4. Proper timing in dialogues
  5. Non-repetitive dialogues , Variety and replayability

I divided the Graphics Relative to Gameplay section into 5 parts:

  1. Visual graphics
  2. Artistic graphics
  3. Flexibility in graphic settings
  4. Character and hair graphics
  5. Graphics responsiveness to changing physical environments

I divided the Environment Design section into 5 parts:

  1. Variety and creativity in environment design
  2. Environmental impact on mood and atmosphere
  3. Environmental interactivity with the player
  4. Dynamic environment with weather changes or NPC behavior
  5. Quality of lighting, shadows, and visual details

I divided the Technical Performance: Bug-Free Experience section into 5 parts:

  1. Absence of game-breaking bugs
  2. Absence of non-game-breaking bugs
  3. Game not crashing
  4. Stable servers and good ping

I divided the Future Patches and Support section into 5 parts:

  1. Developer planning for patches
  2. Speed of updates
  3. Quality of released patches
  4. Developer communication with the player community

I divided the Optimization and FPS section into 5 parts:

  1. Smooth performance across different systems
  2. Maintaining stable frame rates
  3. Efficient hardware utilization
  4. Game’s system requirements
  5. LagFast travel and loading screens

I divided the Value for Money section into 5 parts:

  1. Price-to-quality ratio of game content
  2. Gameplay duration relative to cost
  3. DLC value
  4. In-app purchases value (e.g., battle pass)
  5. Comparing game value with competitors

These divisions are designed to be detailed and meticulous, ensuring that games are judged in the best and most fair way possible. This list will help game developers create better games and improve their perspective on game development. For example, for online games, a separate and engaging story section should be created and presented, such as in the old Call of Duty games, or battle royale games could have compelling storylines. I hope that this list and this website can contribute to the world of gaming and help it progress.